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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Welcome to the World............

WHO's this girl? Its Jess! Lyricist living in Nashville, this will consists of lyrics, songs, and co-write features. Just helping you guys join the ride that is me navigating Nashville one day at a where to start? I got started writing in a small town, never knowing that writing could be a career. I wrote my thoughts, fell in love with poetry, and starting rhyming words to help me fall asleep and realized I had a knack for writing, but kept it hidden. In a small town having big dreams or big talents is hard to expose and I wasnt sure where I fit in with exposing myself. I wasnt sure how to expose myself, most of my writing was very personal and dark and I was afraid to show people I had feelings and leave myself open and vulnerable so I kept it to myself, until a high school creative writing class where we had to share stories and then pick someone else's story to write a poem about. A girl was bold enough to share that she had been raped as a child, and it struck a chord with me. I was inspired and wrote a poem called Monster, which my teacher submitted and it got published in a poetry book. I realized then the ability as writer we have the ability to put people's stories to life in a way that can they may not be not be able to express themselves. It was a defining moment for me, and its where it all started. Trying to figure out where to put my talent was the hardest part for me, books? magazines? newspaper?---not creative enough for my brain. Insert Nashville, years later, insert Emily Heggan, insert career path navigated. Speaking of Emily Heggan, we had an amazing write with Ragan Hoffman today, here is a lyrical snippet of our song "Pull Away" "I pull away like a freight train running late, west bound by morning, I pull away like mustang trying to be tamed for the rodeo, Shut it down like the lights in this town when it gets dark like rain to a flame, I burn out the spark, I pull away" For some of my tunes check out: