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Monday, November 2, 2015

Love Songs.

Most of us hear at least 2-5 songs an hour on the radio that sing about the subject that is the dreaded L word, Love. I typically avoid writing love songs, because I am not in love and honestly never have been, but I do create songs based on the idea of love or listening to my co-writer's experiences they would like to write about. Writing about love is such a universal topic, its what everyone wants to feel, and what everyone wants to give. Writing honestly about love or the idea of love, I always commend my co writers for being so open with their stories, because it takes courage to open up and allow that vulnerability or that pain or that fear or that joy come through in a song. I think I get envious of them some days for allowing themselves to fall, I for one have always been the girl thats never been open to the idea of love. I recall my earlier days and distinctly remember in the 6th grade when Sheldon Burkholder had a crush on me, I went up to him and in my stern voice adamantly said "STOP LIKING ME", it worked. I recalled several boyfriends I had where two days into the relationship I was like okay this isn't working, or having boyfriends and not making plans or talking to them for days. I guess in a sense Ive always been extremely guarded with my heart, so its easier for me to create these ideas of love but never relate to some songs I have been a part of. I admire songs that are all in and extremely personal about love, one of my favorite co-writers who shall remain nameless is a few years younger than me and I am always envious of her ability to express her vulnerability in our writing sessions, I wish I could be that open. I think love songs are underrated in music because everyone expects people to write about love, I think there is something to be said for those of you who take the bold step to be open in your music, and I commend you. Next time you guys hear a love song, really listen to the words and the story being told, I think we can all be open to really listening and appreciating a good love song.